Yikes! 3 Outdated Laws in Maine That You Won’t Believe Are Still on the Books

Ah, Maine, the Pine Tree State, known for its lobsters, lighthouses, and beautiful coastal towns. But did you know that there are some comically outdated laws still on the books in this state? It may be hard to believe, but it’s true! So, let’s take a closer look at three of the most ridiculous laws that are still in effect in Maine.

  1. No Whistling in the Nighttime Believe it or not, it is illegal to whistle in the nighttime in the city of Portland, Maine. According to an old city ordinance, any person who whistles after sunset shall be deemed a disturber of the peace. The law was originally enacted to prevent people from signaling to each other in the dark, but it seems a bit outdated in the age of cell phones and flashlights.

Of course, this law is rarely enforced these days, and most people in Portland probably don’t even know that it exists. But if you’re planning a late-night walk through the city, you might want to avoid whistling just to be safe.

  1. No Adultery Allowed Maine is one of many states that still have laws on the books prohibiting adultery. In fact, it is illegal to commit adultery in Maine, and the punishment is a fine of up to $500 and/or a jail sentence of up to one year. While this law may have been necessary to preserve the sanctity of marriage in the past, it’s hard to imagine anyone being prosecuted for adultery in the modern era.

Interestingly enough, adultery is also illegal in other states, such as Michigan, Wisconsin, and Utah. However, it is rarely enforced, and prosecutions are few and far between.

  1. No Tying a Giraffe to a Telephone Pole Yes, you read that correctly. It is illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp in the city of Portland, Maine. While this law may seem downright absurd, it was actually enacted in the late 1800s when the Barnum and Bailey Circus came to town with a live giraffe. City officials were concerned that the giraffe would escape and wreak havoc on the city, so they passed an ordinance specifically prohibiting the tying of giraffes to telephone poles and street lamps.

Of course, it’s highly unlikely that anyone would attempt to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole in Portland these days, but the law remains on the books nonetheless.

It’s amazing to think that these outdated laws are still in effect in Maine. While they may seem amusing or even silly, they serve as a reminder of the state’s rich history and traditions. While these laws may never be enforced, it’s always a good idea to be aware of them, just in case.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Maine anytime soon, keep these laws in mind. You never know when you might find yourself in a situation where you’re tempted to whistle in the nighttime or tie a giraffe to a telephone pole. And if you do, well, let’s just say that you’ve been warned!

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