3 Hilariously Outdated Laws Still Enforced in Louisiana

Louisiana is a state that is known for its unique culture, delicious cuisine, and beautiful landscapes. However, it is also home to some bizarre laws that are still on the books. These laws may have been enacted years ago, but they remain in force and are still technically valid. In this article, we will take a look at three comically outdated laws still on the books in Louisiana.

  1. Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants.

Yes, you read that right. In Louisiana, it is illegal to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant. This law was enacted in 1890 when alligators were commonly used as a source of meat and leather. At that time, alligators were tied up outside of butcher shops and other businesses for convenience. However, the law was eventually changed, and now it is illegal to tie an alligator to any object in public.

  1. It is illegal to gargle in public places.

If you are prone to gargling, then you may want to think twice before doing it in public in Louisiana. According to Louisiana law, it is illegal to gargle in public places. This law was enacted in the early 1900s when people would gargle with saltwater to soothe their throats. However, the law remains on the books today, although it is rarely enforced.

  1. It is illegal to steal someone’s crawfish traps.

Crawfish is a popular delicacy in Louisiana, and many people set up traps to catch them. However, it is illegal to steal someone’s crawfish traps in Louisiana. The law was enacted to protect the livelihood of crawfish farmers and to prevent disputes between neighbors. Anyone caught stealing someone’s crawfish traps can face fines and even imprisonment.

These comically outdated laws are just a few examples of the weird and wonderful things you can find in Louisiana’s legal system. While they may seem strange and unnecessary today, they were likely put in place to solve problems or address issues that were relevant at the time. Even though they may not be enforced regularly, it is still important to be aware of them so that you can avoid any potential legal trouble. Whether you are a local or just visiting, it is always wise to familiarize yourself with the laws of the land to avoid any mishaps.

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